Type: CNC LATHE | Condition info: Good | Control type: Fanuc 21-iTB | Max turning diameter: Ø 550 mm | Turn...
Type: VERTICAL CNC MACHINING CENTER | Condition info: Good | Control type: OSP 100 | X axis: 1050 mm | Y ax...
Type: HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTER CNC | Condition info: Good | Control: Mazatrol Matrix 1 | X axis travel: ...
Type: CNC LATHE BAR FEEDER | Condition info: Excellent | Control type: Mitsubishi M700 | Attached: Data sheet
Type: VERTICAL MACHINING CENTER CNC | Condition info: Very good | Type of control: Fanuc 21-i MB | X axis t...
Type: ROTOPALLETS MACHINING CENTER | Condition info: Very good | Type of control: OSP P100M | X axis: 762 mm
Type: 5° AXIS VERTICAL CNC MACHINING CENTER | Condition info: Good | Control type: OSPU 100 M | Travel Axis...
Chip evacuator Condition info: Good | Type of control: Siemens Sinumerik | X axis: 650 mm | Y axis: 540 mm
Chip evacuator Condition info: Good | Type of control: Siemens Sinumerik 810 | X axis: 650 mm | Y axis: 540 mm